And as pockets of warmer air rise and condense they form clouds. While instability is air that keeps rising up or sinking after it is “nudged.” Also unstable are masses of air are found when warm and cold air masses collide into each other. Moisture forms the rain and clouds in the thunderstorms and moisture is often provided by the Atlantic Ocean. According to Ingredients for thunderstorm those three ingredients are moisture, instability, and a lifting mechanism. But it takes some specific “Ingredients” to get the formation started. Thunderstorms happen almost everyday all around the earth. (Picture of instability, moisture, and lifting mechanisms) When I leave today you will now how thunderstorms form, specific things in them, and one other interesting thing. But there are a lot more complex and interesting things that you might not know about them. As hail pounds the ground, a tornado roars in the distance. Flash! Boom! The lighting scars the sky and thunder shatters the air. Some apps even deceive you into thinking the data is coming from a better source than it really is.Intro- Boom! Clap! The sky has gone pitch black and the wind is howling. They could be pulling information from anywhere-NOAA, the weather models, climatology, tarot cards, who knows. A lot of the shady ones like “Weather App” and “Radar” don’t inspire much confidence because they don’t reveal the source of their forecasts. Weather apps’ accuracy is determined by the trustworthiness of the people behind them.

While these big weather companies are putting out name-brand products, many of the other apps available are like food from the dollar store: You probably won’t die because of them, but it’s not healthy to consume them all the time. Even though it’s fun to complain about their silly storm names or dubious projects, these organizations’ forecasts are solid and trustworthy.

The Weather Channel’s forecasts are used for the default “Weather” app on iOS and Android. Apps from companies like The Weather Channel/Weather Underground, AccuWeather, and Weatherbug have hundreds of millions of users around the world. The most popular weather apps are published by the “big names” in weather, and they’re popular for a reason.